This is one single word that pulls the crowd towards any product or service. In the field of business management, this word is considered as the most powerful word. Many consumers will fall in the trap called "free offer". The business tycoons increase the price of a product of service which they provide and they will give a free gift and hide the increase in price.
In the world of internet technology, in earlier times, when something came as free, the internet visitors used to rush towards it. But as the time passed, there were lot of threats like virus, hacking and cracking came along with the free soft wares. So the internet visitors are now very much aware of all these free stuffs and they take a preventive measure when someone offers something for free. I get reminded about a saying "nothing comes free" and "no pain no gain". These proverbs are proven as true even in this technology age.
One suggestion from my side for the internet users is, never ever click in any attractive banners which says some free service or software available for free without any clear knowledge about the same. If we click on those links, there are lots of possible chances for our system getting hacked. When it comes to business transactions, we should stay away from these free offers.
i love free,,m :)